Contact Live Wire

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries about this site or for more information about Live Wire Recruitment Consultants. More information about the Live Wire Recruitment Consultants is available in the about us section or in the industry sectors pages.

Contacting Live Wire Recruitment:

PO.BOX 1424
Kwa-Zulu Natal
South Africa

Referral Scheme

Live Wire recruitments specialists will supply gift vouchers as a referral reward to the value of R500 in the case of professional staff and R200 in the case of support staff.

In order to qualify, the registering candidate must confirm the name of the referee. The candidate must not be previously registered with Live Wire, and we must subsequently place the referred candidate. Any persons you refer must be placed within 12 months of you introducing their name to Live Wire and must remain in employment for the period of 3 continuous months. In addition, the client must have paid the introductory fee to Live Wire.All vouchers will be subject to tax deductions at the appropriate rate by Live Wire Recruitment Specialists before issue. Live Wire reserves the right to alter or withdraw this scheme without any requirement to inform participants.

Online Enquiry Form

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    By ticking this box I agree that I have read the privacy policy and consent to the information being used by Live Wire Recruitment Consultants to contact me
