Candidate Zone

Welcome, you are one step closer to finding your ideal role!
As our consultants are discipline specific specialists you can expect in-depth market knowledge and a world class service with access to the best opportunities available on our database. Live Wire focuses on listening and understanding your motivations and aspirations and makes the process of finding a new position as easy as possible. We believe in honesty, integrity and professionalism which builds long term relationships with both candidate and client.

Our commitment to candidates is to always:

  • Offer a free of charge service, which you can opt out at any stage without incurring penalties
  • Only advertise live vacancies
  • Discuss your current requirements in securing a new position
  • Guarantee a confidential service and adhere to the local privacy laws
  • Agree on which clients to submit your cv
  • Prepare/Brief you on clients before interviews
  • Give constructive interview feedback
  • Keep you informed throughout the whole recruitment process
  • Provide a world class customer service
  • Offer resignation management

Our support doesn’t stop when you start work either – we’re always on hand if you need specialist advice or when you’re ready to make that next career move. To hear about our current vacancies, contact one of our consultants today.

If you have any constructive feedback regarding the Live Wire’s service
please contact our customer service representative via email: